Sensual w.e.-Wombmyn EMBODIED

Applications are NOW OPEN for the March 2024 Course!

SPOTS ARE LIMITED! Complete the Interest Form & receive Priority Consideration plus EARLY BIRD SPECIALS!

EMBODY CONFIDENCE, Rewrite your Story, Step into your Power as a Creatress, Manifest the Desires of your Femininity

A 5 Week Course

This is for “The Mother” who put her family before her own needs, “The Wife” or “Long-time partner” who yearns for something more in her relationship, “The Disconnected Dancer”, “The Corporate Woman” who feels like she has to lead with her masculine side to get through her work day. 

5 weeks of Small Group Zoom Sessions held once a week. Each week contains Action Steps and “Pleasure Practices” to incorporate into your Daily Rituals, based on your Major Milestones.



*Each Applicant Must Schedule a Pre-Enrollment Call*

*Interest-Free Payment plan options with Afterpay & Klarna upon checkout*

Schedule your FREE

Pre-Enrollment Call Today!



Are you a new Mom or have young children that need a lot of your time and attention? Do you have a hectic work life or super busy social life? Do you only have the capacity for short sessions? THIS COURSE WAS MADE FOR YOU!

This Mini Course is Pre-Recorded for you to Enjoy on your own time with only 30 minute classes!

It is designed for 1 class a week over a 4 week period. No matter your situation or life schedule, we can ALL dedicate 30 minutes once a week for our Sensual Healing!

Healing Modalities include:

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Movement

Learn to Tap into your innate Divinity through the exploration of OSUN, The Energy of Divine Femininity as named by the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria.

Through my unique framework of OSUNOLOGY, each week will utilize a key element of Osun as vehicle to meet our most True, Sensual, Powerful Selves.

Osun (Feminine Energy) as:

  1. Intuition & Knowledge: Assessment

    1. What trauma in relation to your Wombmynhood are you carrying? What blockages to your expression of your femininity are you carrying?

    2. Identify the psychological trauma.

    3. Locate where in the body this trauma resides and release.

  2. The Mother- Nurturer, Healer

    1. How can we turn our motherly instincts on ourselves to nurture our wounds and participate in our own healing

    2. Learn self-healing mental technologies and practices.

  3. The Warrior- The Fierce Protectress Mother of the Market (Manifestress)

    1. Learn how to turn your Fierce, Protective “Mama Bear”or “Feline” Energy to fuel every action taken toward the Wombmyn you envision becoming. 

    2. Mindful Movement and mental technologies used to activate your Feminine Warrior energy.

  4. The Seductress: Embodied Wombmyn- Self Confidence

    1. Utilizing movement, body language, posture, facial awareness to embody confidence and powerfully express femininity. 

Healing Modalities used include:

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Tapping, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Movement

What the community has to say..

One of the things I really enjoyed from Aminah’s program was that each week touched on a different aspect of Oshun. I love how she incorporated this African Orisa into our learning. I’ve known of Oshun and now I know her, thanks to this program. The visuals and exercises were super helpful. I appreciate Aminah’s perspective as a dancer and performer. She taught us how to embody the seductress energy by engaging in eye contact, moving our hips and even by switching our posture. I felt sexy and safe to explore that with her.
— Patricia Tapia @Allnattypatty

Start making your pleasure a priority today